
# An Inclusive Future Requires Inclusive Language

Cisco’s purpose is to power an inclusive future for all. With our purpose at the heart of everything we do, you can count on Cisco to be bold, brave and deliberate about our role and the actions we will take in support of social justice.

We are proud to join the technology community in evolving the language we use. Rethinking the words we use is just one of the ways to reduce barriers to equity and respect.

As a matter of policy, Cisco content should be free of offensive or suggestive language, graphics, and scenarios. We are changing terms, as noted below, to more appropriate alternatives.

Term Recommended Replacements
master/slave primary/secondary or primary/subordinate or control/data (for clustering)
whitelist/blacklist permit (list)/block (list) or allow (list)/block (list)

文章作者: sfc9982
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 sfc9982 !