
弗雷德里克·海立格中尉(Frederick T. Heyliger),E连连长诅咒受害者之一。跟米汉中尉打酱油死在飞机上不同,海立格中尉被一个新来的哨兵打成马蜂窝,直接退出战场。

看剧的时候感觉被友军误伤的比较突然,感觉哨兵喊完 Halt 之后就开火了,还有就是只打了 Moose 没有打 Winters.


电影同名书籍中有这样一段 Winters 的独白:

"As Moose and I proceeded down the path leading to Welsh's CP," Winters related, "we were walking shoulder to shoulder, as the path was only about six feet wide, slightly raised. There was a drop of about three feet into a drainage ditch on each side." Out of the darkness came an order, "Halt!" Heyliger was a calm, easygoing man, a C.O. who did not get excited unnecessarily. So when Winters felt him take an extra hard deep breath, he tensed. Winters figured Heyliger had forgotten the password. Heyliger started to say "Moose," but before he got the word half out, blam, blam, Warn—an M-l spat three bullets out from a distance of 10 yards. Heyliger dropped to the road with a moan. Winters dived into the ditch on the left side of the road. He feared they had run into a German patrol because the M-l fire had been so rapid it could have been a German machine pistol. Then he heard footsteps running away.

温特斯:"当我和穆斯沿着通往威尔士公民保护区的小路前行时,我们肩并肩地走着,因为这条小路只有大约六英尺宽。 小路中央略微凸起,路两边各有一条深三英尺的排水沟"。走着走着,黑暗中突然有人命令道:"停下!"

在 Winters 心目中,Heyliger 是一个冷静、随和的人,一个不会无端激动的指挥官。但温特斯能感觉到,他在急促地呼吸,他紧张了。Winters 猜测 Heyliger 忘记了口令。

Heyliger 迫不得已,开始说:"Moose!",但话还没说到一半,砰砰砰三声,三颗子弹从 10 码外的地方击中了他。Heyliger 呻吟着倒在了路上。Winters 跳进了路左侧的沟里。他担心他们遇到了德军巡逻队,因为枪声非常急促,可能是德军的机关枪。然后,他听到了逃跑的脚步声。

当时的情况是 Moose 忘记了口令,一段时间没有回答,然后喊了一声 Moose,和口令不一样。哨兵直接认为是敌人了,于是就开火了。Winter 没有中弹可能是因为跳到了路边的沟里。而且开火的士兵并不是新兵蛋子,是一名老兵,参军前是一名巴尔的摩市的警察,可能神经比较敏感。

文章作者: sfc9982
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