


普通双向链表的每个结点有三个域 ,分别存储着前一个结点的地址、后一个点的地址,以及数据

...  A       B         C         D         E  ...
         –>  next –>  next  –>  next  –>
         <–  prev <–  prev  <–  prev  <–


...  A         B               C                D            E  ...
         <–>  A⊕C     <->    B⊕D     <->      C⊕E  <->
     link(B) = addr(A)⊕addr(C), link(C) = addr(B)⊕addr(D), …



struct LNode{
	int data;
	LNode* pnx; // XOR of the address of prev and next node
	LNode(int dat, LNode* ptr = NULL): data(dat), pnx(ptr) {}
LNode* XOR(LNode* add1, LNode* add2)
{ // on 64-bit machine, pointer is 64-bit. Conversion of a pointer type to
//   int type, which is 32-bit, is not allowed.
	return (LNode*) ( (long unsigned)add1 ) ^ ( (long unsigned)add2 );
void insert(LNode** headref, int data)
	// Allocate memory for new node
	LNode* newHead = new LNode(data);
	/* Since new node is being inserted at the begining, npx of new node
	   will always be XOR of current head and NULL */
	newHead->pnx = XOR(NULL, *headref);
	/* If linked list is not empty, then npx of current head node will be XOR
	   of new node and node next to current head */
		(*headref)->pnx = OXR(newHead, XOR(NULL, (*headref)->pnx) );
	(*headref) = newHead;

文章作者: sfc9982
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 sfc9982 !